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Kg.Jawa, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Thursday, August 5, 2010


ak sure korg prnh dgr lagu WLCOME TO MY LIFE dr SP kan....nk story sket kt cni...tiap bait lirik lagu tu,,,tepat kne ats btg hdung ak......antrnye,,,meh ak copy paste sket lirik die....

1.Do you ever feel out of place?
2.Do you ever wanna runaway?
3.Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud.That no one hears you screaming
To be hurt.To feel lost.To be left out in the dark.To feel like you've been pushed around
5.Do you wanna be somebody else?Are you sick of feeling so left out?
6.Are you stuck inside a world you hate?With their BIG FAKE SMILES and stupid lies.While deep inside you're bleeding...
No one ever lied straight to your face.No one ever stabbed you in the back
8.You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay!!!
Are you sick of everyone around?

sebnrnye blh dikatekn sume lirik dielah...seakan2 SP ni nyanyikan kisah idop ak je....ak mmg stuck inside da world y ak benci...sbb semua org bg ak btopeng...bkn diri dorg sbnr...yelh...no one perfect gtu lorh....tp...xslhkn kalau kita jd diri kita...knp kita kne berdengki dgn org lain????knp kite kne kutuk org tu sdgkn kite sndri pon sme mcm org tu???stop it guys!!!pnat ikut perangai korg!!!ak ingt pas ni,,ak dh blh lupakn lagu SP ni....tp,,bkn blh lupe...malah korg tmpl lgu tu ngn gam gajah kt pale otak ak ni....ak dh pnat hidop ngn org y mcm ni....ckplah dlu ak dijdkn 'kambing itam'...skrg pon kne jd 'kambing itam' lg????dh nasib ak kali jd 'black sheep'..so,,trime jelah....dh biasa dianggap spt ak ni xwujud kt sekeliling korg...trusknlah buat ak mcm tu....korg plan sme korg...korg ckp sme korg...korg rhsie sme korg...korg buatlah sume2 sme korg je...xyah ajk ak or tlntas sikit pon nm KAMALIA ASYIKIN MOHD AMIR dlm ingtan korg...anggap je ak ni org asing...anggp kite xprnh knl...

nsib baik ak bli mp4...jd peneman ak...no music no life...music is my escape...nk lari dari dunia y bkn utk ak...y lgsung xsesuai tuk ak....ak pon xtaw dunia ap y ok tuk ak...ak xde ktngan...ak hnye temui ktenangan ms ak solat....hanya padaMu ak bersujud...dalam sunyi ak bsujud(lagu Afgan)....Ya Tuhan...berikanlah ak tenangan dan ketabahan dalam mhdpi liku2 hidupku ini..tnjukkanlah ak jalan y lurus menuju jalan yang Kau redhai...ak mohon Ya Allah...

berat utk ak hdpi dunia luar....biarkanlah ak trus berada dlm dunia ak....biarlah org nk ckp ak ni obses melampau ke gilo ke...y pntg ak hepi..ak dh mls nk pkkan khepian org len y lgsg xpkkn kehepian ak...ak bnci spt mn korg bnci.....

so tuttttsss,,,WELCOME TO MY DARK LIFE!!!!!

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