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Kg.Jawa, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

novel bru


High school is tough enough without throwing a hijab into the mix...
What's my class going to say on Monday when I walk in wearing the Muslim veil for the first time? Oh boy, will they freak out. Shawling up? In front of the kids of Year Eleven? It would be easier to walk in naked.
Amal's decision to wear the hijab full-time takes a lot of guts. Can she cope with the prehudice, keep her friends, and still attract the cutest boy in school?

hurm...buku ni ak bli kt MPH Jusco Bukit Raja. pada mulanya xbniat pon nk bli. tp dari bli buku y for sure ak xkn bc, bek bli buku ni. actually, a.zik bli 1 buku ni. n die suh ak bli smbgan buku tu. tp ak xbmnat dgn cerita buku cmtu. dh tu,, y no 1 pon ak xprnh bc xkn tbe2 nk bc y no 3. so at dat moment, ak tnmpk buku ni. so ak ckp lah

me : ala. bru plan nk bli buku ni (DMHLBIT)

a.zik : ala. bli je lah buku ni.(buku y dia nk bc). nnt, kita tukar lah.

me : xnk lah. y no. 1 pon xprnh bc. xnk.

a.zik : buku ya tu wape? rm42. buku ni rm27 je. msti abah xbg.

me : xper lah. ya tmbh pkai duit ya.

so kami pon pergi mdptkn abah y tgh tgk magazine.

me : Bah. kalau ya nk bli buku 1 xper kan?

abah : buku apa?

me : buku psal die bru nk pkai tdung pegi skolah. lbih krang cm tu la.

a.zik : ala. dr bli buku tu,,baik bli buku ni.

abah : buku apa ni?

a.zik : ni smbgan dr buku y zik nk bli.

abah : ooo. abah tau, zik suh ya bli buku ni sbb zik nk bc kan.

me : betol. ya xprnh bc pon buku ni. ya xske jenis buku cmni. Bah blh x ya nk bli buku tu. nnt ya tmbh duit ya sndri.

abah : ikut lah.

abah pon pergi meninggalkan kami dua beradik sbb nk ke toilet.(br lps bukak pose lah katekn. so phm2 jerlah)

a.zik : bli buku ni lah.

me : xnk. biarlah ya tmbh duit sndri.

a.zik : ikot lah. p duit ya krang.

me : biarlah.

a.zik : haa. amik duit ni. tlg byrkn skali.

ak pon amik duit tu n p byr. ala kne tmbh rm 21 je. the end. cmtulah cite nyer. p ble dh bc,, ok lah cite die..ni br bc sket.. nnt smbg lg...

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